Tarot Card Pull* Energy of the Week* The Tower Card
The Tower cards primary principle is destruction. Its planetary correspondence is Mars . Tower Card Keywords: sudden, change, upheavel, choas, revelation, awakening A tower is being struck at the top by lightning. This is symbolic of the structure of our personality, our concious mind and outer life. Is being hit with a heavenly jolt of energy (Spirit). What we thought was solid and whole on longer serves our highest good. We receive a flash of intuition that deconstructs our previous sense of security and unity. This apparent destruction frees allowing the possibility for greater wisdom. If you count the dots on either side of the tower you'll get the number 22. In Numerology 22 is a Master Builder. There is 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet, and these letters created the Torah. There are also 22 major arcana of the tarot, which primary wisdom is contained in these cards. A closer look will show us that these are not dots at al...