Tarot Card Pull: Energy of the Week *The Death Card*
As someone who has been interested in all things spiritual, mystical and magical for a while, it's not till 3 years ago when I allowed myself to fully explore and embrace a different side of me. A new side that I am still learning and cultivating every day. I've always been interested in tarot, so in 2017 I gave myself full permission to dive in and purchase my first Rider Waite tarot deck. During this time I did self readings and simple readings for family and friends. Lately I have felt the urge to share my card readings with my blog readers ❤ I'd like to start with a weekly energy of the week card pull. This weeks card pull is The Death Card.
Again I repeat This is not a negative card!!
Please note that this card dosen't stand for death in a physical sense.
The primary principle of this card is Transformation through ending and rebirth. The zodiac sign associated with this card is scorpio. Looking at this card we see a knight riding a white horse. The knight is calm, the horse's eyes are red and determined. They have a mission. the knight carries the banner of the mystic rose, indicating the unfolding of the life of the spirit with in the personality resulting in the development of conciousness. This card represents the mystical and metaphysical death of the lower self. Three figures stand before the knight and the horse; a bishop (symbolic of the Christ of the piscean age) representing compassion, a young man symbolic of some aspect of the personality; and the child representing the curious inner child within us and the promise of regeneration. This knight carries no weapons, there is no violence associated with this form of death. Between the two towers above the bishop's hat is the rising sun, symbolic of the current situation in ones life. This form of death holds with in it the promise of eternal life. This card means that a situation, circumstances, condition, or a relationship is coming to an end. The process of release, transformation, and regeneration maybe very painful, but the end result is a promise of resurrection and deliverance. It can not be avoided, it is something that has to be faced. This could be the ending of a job, relationship, behavior pattern or a way of life. Which ever it is for you this is definitely the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new one.
Esoteric meaning: The end of the way that things are and the beginning of a whole new realm of experience.
Esoteric meaning: Transformation from ways of living that are non regenerative and disempowering.
Meditating on the energy of this card some question that came up for me were; Are there any situations or relationships in my life that I need to release? What purpose did they serve? Did I learn the lesson that was taught during this cycle? Are there any behavior patterns that I need to release going into this next cycle?
These questions help make the transition from the old cycle to the new a little easier by allow yourself to be active in pinpointing things that need to be addressed before making the complete cycle of release, transformation, and regeneration to begin a phase.
Sources: Pocket Guide to The Tarot by Alan Oken. Pg.52 &53
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