Tarot Card Pull* Energy of the Week* The Tower Card

The Tower cards primary principle is destruction. Its planetary correspondence is Mars
Tower Card Keywords: sudden, change, upheavel, choas, revelation, awakening 

    A tower is being struck at the top by lightning. This is symbolic of the structure of our personality, our concious mind and outer life. Is being hit with a heavenly jolt of energy (Spirit). What we thought was solid and whole on longer serves our highest good. We receive a flash of intuition that deconstructs our previous sense of security and unity.
     This apparent destruction frees allowing the possibility for greater wisdom. If you count the dots on either side of the tower you'll get the number 22. In Numerology 22 is a Master Builder. There is 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet, and these letters created the Torah. There are also 22 major arcana of the tarot, which primary wisdom is contained in these cards. A closer look will show us that these are not dots at all but the Hebrew letter Yod. Another term for Yod is "The finger of God." Yod indicates a divinely inspired set of circumstances, on the surface maybe very challenging. The purpose for the struggle is linked to our highest good. 
    To gain greater awareness we must sruggle to release ourselves from that which is familiar and only then will greater awareness come, followed by healing and wholeness. This card tell us we may not be able to avoid this destruction in the present moment, but we do have the inner wisdom to recreate our lives on a higher level. One door is closed to us, but a new doorway is opening. This could be a loss of a loved or a job, natural disasters or any event that shakes you to your core.
    When a tower card moment hits, and clarity cuts through like a lightning bolt revealing insights to the illusions we have been telling ourselves. Tower card moments can be very disorienting and confusing bringing about questions like who can I trust? The tower card is not always associated with destruction or pain, for those intune with thier higher self it can mean a spiritual awakening or revelation.
    The best way to move forward when a tower card moment arises is to just let the tower fall, then you can refocus and rebuild. Once it happens we can grow stronger and wiser cultivating a new out look on life essential for spiritual growth.
Esoteric meaning: a flash of understanding revealing self as the self. This revelation destroys some of the personality's gold on ones creative potential. The opening into the higher world requires some destruction in the lower.

The pocket guide to the tarot by. Alan Oken


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