
Happy Birthday Virgos! Crystal pick for Virgo❤

Virgo Goddess by Red Weaver Happy Birthday Virgos! This month we are switching it up, Instead of bringing a crystal pick of the month, We are going to do our crystal pick for each zodiac sign from now on. Our pick for Virgo is Amazonite .     The Goddess collection: Amazonite Virgo Amazonite assist us in manifesting universal love. It's a great stone for the zodiac sign  Virgo August 23- September 22    Amazonite is associated with the heart and throat chakra. Amazonite opens both the hear and throat chakras to enhance loving communication. It also opens the 3rd eye and intuition. This crystal blocks geopathic stress, absorbs microwaves, and protects against electromagnetic pollution. (For the best results, amazonite must be placed between you and the source of any pollution, or attached to your cellphone.)                 Amazonite bead bracelet    Amazonite is a soothing stone,  helping calm the nervous system and align the

Unconventional4's Chakra Oils

Unconventional4 Crown chakra oil      I love using essential oils. I use them constantly in my oil burner, and topically on the skin, especially when I need to calm the mood of myself or the house. I like to use essential oils to calm and relax the kids for homeschool hours, right before bedtime, and to get my self in a relaxed mood for meditation.      Frankincense helps with focus and minimizes distractions as well as easing impatience. This is my favorite to use for meditation. Cedarwood creates a comforting and relaxing environment, while lavender is calming, soothing, and relaxing. Lavender also helps with sleep, tension, restlessness and irritability which is why I love use this on my kids after bath time.      In our Crown Chakra oil blend, we use our special blend of lavender, cedarwood, frankincense and coconut oil. I also added rainbow moonstone chips to this recipe because rainbow moonstone is associated with the crown chakra and because it's a st

Crystal of the month of July: Tiger's eye

This month the crystal we chose is the beautiful golden Tigers eye. Did you know you can also find Tiger's eye in blue and red? Yes! We ordered some and the look amazing. They are available for custom order also so if your interested I'll leave the link at the bottom of this post. Any way, back to Tiger's eye. Tigers eye combines earth and sun energy to create a high vibrational but grounded state bring spiritual energies to to the earth.  Traditionally  Tigers eye was a protective stone carried as a talisman against I'll wishes and curses. Tigers eye encourages integrity and helps to assist in accomplishing goals. Tigers eye is excellent for people who are uncommitted or spaced out. Tigers eye is useful in recognizing the needs of your self and others. A great stone for manifesting and those dealing with blocked creativity.Tigers eye is a good stone for people dealing with issues surrounding self worth & self criticism, it's useful in he

Crystal of the Month of May : Fire Agate

Hello to all of our lovely readers out there! Happy May! And also...                   Happy Mothers Day!    To all of the Mother's in whatever capacity it is that you consider yourself a Mom embrace it and enjoy! Being a mom is a great honor and great responsibility.  I hope you all are well and healthy and continuing to raise your vibration and positive vibes where ever you are.       Our crystal pick for the month of May                               Fire Agate     Fire Agate is a variety of Chalcedony, a mineral of the Quartz family. Its colors is a beautiful swirl of deep reddish brown with streaks of orange, red, green, and gold. Its iridescent color is caused by light interference on the layers of the iron oxide with in the chalcedony.    Fire agate is a protective and grounding stone that helps stimulate energy and life force promting passion, stability, and love of life. Fire agate is associated with the root and sacral chakras helping t

Crystal of the month of April: Jade

Hey Loves! I am excited to give you our crystal of the month. Jade is a beautiful crystal that comes in many different colors from Emerald green to light green, lavender, brown, white, pink, and blue. We picked Jade this month first because the color reminded me of spring. I absolutely love the pale greens and creamy white colors we have mixed in some of our pieces. Jade is associated with the heart chakra increasing love and nurturing for the wearer. Jade is also a protective crystal keeping us safe from harm and offering the wearer harmony.  It helps stabilize the personality and promote self sufficiency.  Jade also helps to soothe the mind and releases negative thoughts.  Jade also offers us abundance, harmony, luck, prosperity and wellbeing.  If you are interested in purchasing any of out pieces message us directly on one of our social media accounts.  Facebook: @unconventional4  Instagram: @unconventional_4 We look forward to hearing from you!  We pray that

April🌱 is finally here! Spring Garden 2020 update.

Happy April Loves! A few post back I said that I would go into more details about our 2020 garden and what we are growing. I am happy to write this is that post! So we started this season by my husband prepping the beds that we would be transplanting our seeds into once they're mature enough and we are no longer under the threat of frost. He wanted to go for more of a market style set up so having the rows to walk through and provide plant maintenance was essential.  We used alot of chicken compost and the decomposing trees on the property to form our soil which was already pretty awesome. Alot of the compost had to be sifted to remove sticks and other material that didnt break down completely during the composting process.                   Our 2020 Garden layout  Around March 20th we received our Seed from  The Bakers Creek Heirloom Seed Company. We ordered lots of seeds and was surprised to see that they had thrown in a couple extras for us.  Just a few o