Crystal of the month of July: Tiger's eye

This month the crystal we chose is the beautiful golden Tigers eye. Did you know you can also find Tiger's eye in blue and red? Yes! We ordered some and the look amazing. They are available for custom order also so if your interested I'll leave the link at the bottom of this post. Any way, back to Tiger's eye. Tigers eye combines earth and sun energy to create a high vibrational but grounded state bring spiritual energies to to the earth. 

Traditionally  Tigers eye was a protective stone carried as a talisman against I'll wishes and curses. Tigers eye encourages integrity and helps to assist in accomplishing goals. Tigers eye is excellent for people who are uncommitted or spaced out. Tigers eye is useful in recognizing the needs of your self and others. A great stone for manifesting and those dealing with blocked creativity.Tigers eye is a good stone for people dealing with issues surrounding self worth & self criticism, it's useful in helping recognize your talents and abilities and also faults that you need to work on overcoming.

Tigers eye aids in healing the eyes, throat, and reproductive organs. It is also helpful in repairing bones. Wear on the body in a position comfortable for you for healing. Place on the navel chakra for grounding. When placed on the 3rd eye chakra tigers eye enhances psychic abilities in earthy people, balances the lower chakras, and stimulates kundalini energy.

Red tigers eye Is stimulating, it helps with lethargy and offers motivation.  It speeds up slow metabolism and increases sex drive. 
Tigers eye also comes in gold, red, and blue. It it associated with t hff e zodiac sign Leo July 23- Aug 22
Associated with that sacral, solar plexus, and 3rd eye chakras.


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