Palo Santos, Cedar, Mullien and Pine Oh My! What herbs and incense I'm loving right now❤

So I've been dabbling into natural herbs and incense heavily for aromatherapy and personal use since about 2017. That's when I really got into researching herbs and smudging  to release negative energy or help boost my creativity or just to change my though process at that particular moment, it's been an ongoing battle but aromatherapy has helped me tremendously. 

Pictured here is Palo Santos. A staple in my home. I burn this alot the aroma is very strong and it lingers around that's what I love about. When we get fresh Palo Santos in I can always smell it before it's out of the package. 
Palo Santos is a tree that grows on the coast of South America. It Is related to frankenscence, myrrh and copal, and is a part of the mint family. Palo Santos name in Spanish translates to "Holy wood".  Palo Santos has many benefits of use but today I will go over the aromatherapy uses because that's how I will be marketing the herbs we sell as curios for potpourri and incense. 😉 
     Palo Santos is spiritually cleansing and best used in clearing energy. It helps to clear homes of negative energy associated with illness. It is also great for clear negative energy from your space, helps reduce stress and anxiety and enhance clarity and focus. Smudging with Palo Santos can encourage creativity and promote feelings of love, joy, and   positivity in your space.
      Personally I have found that it has a calming effect on me. The light mint/piney scent of Palo Santos calms me down and I can then transition to my next phase of the day. Especially on those hectic, pull your  hair out crazy days.

pictured above: Me relaxing by Our natural spring  @ Weaver Hollow photography by: Daniel Weaver 
Moving on to one of my other favorites we have Cedar smudges😍
I love burning cedar. Traditionally cedar is used to cleanse a new home of unwanted spirits inviting those spirits to leave them sheltering thr occupant from any unwanted energies. Cedar wood is still used in ceremonies for cleansing, grounding, renewal and purification. The smoke of burning cedar is said to attract good spirits and eliminate negativity. The cedar that we currently have in stock is hand harvested and handcrafted here at Weaver Hollow. We use no pesticides or herbicides on any of our herbs that grow here. Non GMOs. Naturally grown from Mother Earth❤

Pine smudges 

Pine is a great herb for cleansing and protection. The pine needles are traditionally used to bless a new home. Pine like all evergreen trees are associated with prosperity and good health. Pine can also be burned anytime to clear an area of negativity or reverse spells. It can be used in bath sachets for a cleansing bath.
The Pine  that we currently have in stock is hand harvested and handcrafted here at Weaver Hollow. We use no pesticides or herbicides on any of our herbs that grow here. Non GMOs. Naturally grown from Mother Earth❤

Is one of the herbs that I am new to using. Just this year I had a friend who came and visited our property and was very excited at all the mullien that she saw growing. We have a pretty nice garden patch area atop our biggest hill. She started tell me about all of the benefits of using mullien and encouraged me to research it and try it my self. I instantly fell in love with it, its soft texture feels light and fluffy especially when crushed or ground. I personally have used mullien in my personal smoke blends and teas. Mullien is nicknamed "the candle wick plant" because when dryed the Romans would use mullien stalks as candles. 
     Mullein is anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and also has antiseptic properties.  It is a demulcent and astringent, making it an ideal remedy for lung issues, as it soothes while drying up excess mucous. Mullein teas and tinctures are often used to treat asthma, coughs and bronchitis.  Dried mullein can be used as a smudge or incense and inhaled to relieve stubborn coughing.  Mullien is also used for healing love, fortune telling, and bravery. To avoid nightmares a sachet of mullien can be placed under your pillow. Bathing in this herb in an herbal bath can help keep enemies at bay and lend bravery. 
      The  Mullien that we currently have in stock is hand harvested and handcrafted here at Weaver Hollow. We use no pesticides or herbicides on any of our herbs that grow here. Non GMOs. Naturally grown from Mother Earth❤
These curio herbs are available for purchase on our Facebook page @unconventional4
Or come out and support us! January 18th and 19th we will be vending at The Marketplace in East Nashville from 11am to 5pm. Come chat and chill with us. We will have lots of handmade unique items.



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