Part 2 Welcome to the Hollow. My Hero
Part 2
Every Thing Changed
After helping my aunts and mother get my Grandmothers health situation to a point where we were comfortable we began to prepare for the Holidays. We celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas together. My Grandfather, Mom, and aunts cooked and bought us gifts. we spent some good quality time together. I was grateful for that.
See after I gave birth to my daughter, my husband and I decided that we were ready to move out of the city and into the country so that's just what we did. One con of us moving 2 hours away was that we had little time with our extended family, So during that Holiday of 2017 in particular it warmed my heart to have my little family and my extended family together. Little did we know we would look back and hold those memories from that holiday season dear to our hearts.
Around Feburary 2018. I remember my grandfather getting us our Valentine's chocolates and cards. He was big on giving gifts. That is when I remember him starting to get ill. He would cook and eat very little, there was times we would catch him coming out of the bathroom from freshing up where he couldn't keep his food down. He insisted he was okay.
One day He had been out all morning running errands in the freezing cold. By the time he got to the house I remember hearing his truck pullup in the driveway, I knew he had a few groceries so I kinda waited thinking any minute he was coming through the door.
When he finally kicked the door open he had 2 plastic grocery bags with food and drink in them, I remember the drinks were in glass bottles because he was shivering so bad the bottles were clanking hard against one another. Once I realized he was shivering uncontrollably I grab a few bags, my brother grabbed the rest. My aunts were gathering electric blankets and and throws to cover him in. He sat there and shivered for what seem like the longest. He finally calmed down from shivering and decide to get some rest in his bed. I remembered my aunts and mom talking about him having a doctor's appointment soon and that they needed to find out what was going on with him. The next morning he was wiped out. He wasn't up and dressed, no breakfast had been cooked. The girls (my little cousins) had school and he was usually thier ride. I walked into my grandparents room. They were both still resting. I went to my grandfathers side of the bed and tapped him. Asking if he felt like he was able to take the girls. He looked at me with the saddest eyes and said "No, not today. He handed me the keys to his truck and said "you take em". My reply was, "yes sir".
After I returned to the house. I did my routine with my kids, ate breakfast, did our homeschool work and tried to get him and my Grandmother to eat. He wanted nothing but water and ice. What he did try to eat always came back up it was hard to watch my Hero, the best man I've ever known in my life struggle like this. It's hard to even write this but I have to get it out. It seemed like days went by then it was the day of the Doctors appointment. I stayed home with the kids, My mother and aunts went with my grandparents to the appointment. From the looks of thier faces when they returned. It was not good.
Stay tuned for Part 3
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