Energy of the week: The Sun

Happy March All! Spring is near and Its great to get the Sun card this week. In the  previous weeks the cards have been the death card and the tower card so seeing this card makes me really happy. I can't help but sing the song from Annie when I see this. The sun will come out tomorrow! Yall know the rest.

This is a beautiful card bringing optimism and good fortune.

 Keywords to remember for the sun card is abundance, joy, achievement, success, and productivity. Yes! After pulling the tower card which is all about sudden change and the week before getting the death card which is the end of a cycle or phase. The Sun card pops out. 
Description: a small child is riding on the back of a white horse underneath the sun. The child is holding a red flag as a symbol of renewal. The sun shinning down on him represents accomplishment. 
This card represents positivity, joy, freedom, fun, harmony. It means the universe is in agreement with your path and is helping you move forward.


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