March crystal of the month: Bloodstone

Happy March Loves! This month our crystal of the month is Bloodstone. This gorgeous green stone can be found in Australia, Russia, India, China, the Czech republic and the United states of America. 
    Bloodstone is also known as a heliotrope, that is a variety of jasper. The dark green color of the stone with its red specks through out is where we get the name Bloodstone. The red specks on the stone is caused by hematite, the form of iron oxide that cause rust to change into a brilliant red. Bloodstone is use to detox and purify. It is a wonderful stone for grounding negative energies.
     Bloodstone offers courage and strength of the mind to it wearer/carrier. A symbol of justice warriors in the past would wear bloodstone amulets for protection and to help reduce the bleeding of wounds if hurt. bloodstone helps with blood circulation.This stone is also good for assisting with indecisiveness and its energy helps with the development of intuition. Bloodstone is associated with the root chakra. This grounding stone helps us to be present and calm and clear the mind. It is great for stimulating the lymphatic system and helps with impatience and irritability. Bloodstone helps assist with being present and in the moment. Place a bloodstone underneath your pillow to help with dreaming and feeling better upon rising from sleep.

We are still adding to our bloodstone collection this month. We have bloodstone hair jewels available for purchase through our Facebook and Instagram pages and you are always welcome to custom order with us. 
Instagram: @Unconventional_4 
Facebook: @unconventional4 
You can reach us through these social media accounts to order.

Peace and Blessings.


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